This past April I sent in a form, photo and fee to renew my U.S. passport.
My check was cashed in July. By the end of August I was living in a nightmare.
I went to the passport office website to see about my status as I was due to receive
it and saw that it was being processed. I also logged in to receive email
messages. About a week more with no passport in my mailbox I started calling
the number provided. They could not tell me anything more than what was on the
website. When I thought it was long overdue I called a few more time with the
same negative result. Once a man said he would request somebody call me about
why I had not received it. To date no call. Finally after desperation set in
and that it was not mid-September I called twice in one week. The call center
could tell me nothing. Why am I calling them I wondered? It was time to speak
with a supervisor. While on hold somebody pushed a button too quickly and I
heard said supervisor say “Well, he is going to have to comply like everyone
else”. Yes, I wanted to I thought.
I found that the call center is a third party and they have no information
other that what you see on the site. I was told (in September) that I was sent
a letter in April telling me my AAA photo was rejected. Thanks to the Post
Office I never received it. The super did request somebody call me and the next
day I finally found out the photo was rejected as it was grainy and not the
right white background. It is now going on six months and still no passport. I
sent in a new one taken at a post office.
Why have people take questions if they have no ability to give answers
or direct you to people who can? The supervisors at the call center have no
clue that people are calling for real answers. I sent is a new photo and have
no confidence that I may get my passport in my lifetime. This is the third time
in my life I have renewed and the first time I am living in hell.
In a merry-go-round system, the passport website says to call for more
information but when you do they tell you to visit the site for more
information. If you miss getting a letter you are out of luck as there is no
other number to call. They are truly behind a wall. Mr. Trump, tear down this